KY11 3AF Postcode Analysis - Map, Properties, Crimes, Amenities, Sales, Census, Nearby places

✅ Facts Checked By Data Team - Article By Katie Paterson & Reviewed By Simon Richardson

This comprehensive article covers the CF63 1AD postcode; here, we will analyze crime rates and view the range of available properties. Furthermore, we explore Nearby places, Amenities, Companies, Work areas, Transportation options, Schools, and many more data points that contribute to the overall livability of the postcode area. We also cover a list of influential people who live in the postcode KY11 3AF.

Our Property sales data offers insights into market trends and investment opportunities, allowing you to make informed decisions. By incorporating census information and our calculated livability index, we strive to aid potential residents and investors in their choices.


  1. KY11 3AF postcode is an active postcode that comes under KY Postcode Area, KY11 Postcode District, and KY11 3 Postcode Sector.
  2. Geo coordinates for the postcode centre are [56.065, -3.453].
  3. The postcode has a population of 0 with over 0 households.
  4. The postcode has 2 properties located in its vicinity.
  5. The Nearest Bus Stop is Bothwell Street at 54.74 metres.
  6. The Nearest Railway Station to KY11 3AF postcode is Dunfermline Town Rail Station at 310.47 metres.
  7. The Nearest Taxi Stand is Asda Supermarket at 165.68 metres.
  8. The Nearest Airport is Edinburgh Airport at 14.24 km.
  9. The Nearest School is St Leonard's Primary School at 220.64 metres.
  10. The Nearest Police Station to KY11 3AF postcode is Scotland Police Station at 869.17 metres.
  11. If you have witnessed or been a victim of a crime near KY11 3AF Postcode, report a crime to Scotland Police.




Dunfermline Central









Crime Map Of KY11 3AF Postcode

Get directions to CF63 1AD using the map below, or view crimes in the area. Each red marker on the map shows areas of reported crime. Click on any tag to view the number of reported crimes.

Postcode KY11 3AF Details

Geography & Location Info

Latitude 56.06544
Longitude -3.45335
Northing 686797
Easting 309610
Altitude 49 Meters
Grid Reference NT096867
Plus Code 9C8R3G8W+5M
Distance To Sea 3.01 mi

History & Statistics

Last Updated September 2023
Introduced On 1980-01-01
Mail Received Low (Less Than 25 Mail per day)
Postcode Range Within the building of the matched address closest to the postcode mean

Census Demographics

Rural / Urban Other urban area
Total Population 0
Total Households 0
Census Output Area S00109373
Built Up Area N/A
Built Up Sub-Division N/A
Lower Layer Super Output Area Brucefield West
Middle Layer Super Output Area Dunfermline Brucefield

Administrative Area Info

Ward Dunfermline Central
Parish N/A
District Fife
Constituency Dunfermline and West Fife
County N/A
Local Authority N/A
Region Scotland
Country Scotland
ITL Level 2 Eastern Scotland
ITL Level 3 Clackmannanshire and Fife

Public Transport Near KY11 3AF

Stop Location Distance
Bothwell Street
Bank of Scotland (adj 1), Bothwell Street, Dunfermline
54.74 metres
St Leonard's Church
St Leonard's Church (adj), Bothwell Street, Dunfermline
129.02 metres
St Leonard's Bus Depot
Stagecoach Bus Depot (adj), St Leonards Street, Dunfermline
159.01 metres
St Leonard's Bus Depot
Asda Superstore (Opp), St Leonards Street, Dunfermline
160.31 metres
Millhill Surgery
Railway Station (adj), Woodmill Street, Brucefield
276.94 metres
Stand Location Distance
Asda Supermarket
Asda Supermarket (adj), Bothwell Street, Dunfermline
165.68 metres
Dunfermline City Rail Station
Station Building (adj), St Margarets Drive, Dunfermline
312.26 metres
St Margaret Street
Abbey Park Place (opp 24), St Margaret Street, Dunfermline
710.80 metres
Bus Station
Bus Station (opp), Queen Anne Street, Dunfermline
901.03 metres
Pilmuir Street Car Park
Pilmuir Street Car Park (in), Pilmuir Street, Dunfermline
1.01 km
Station Location Distance
Dunfermline Town Rail Station
310.47 metres
Dunfermline Queen Margaret Rail Station
2.60 km
Rosyth Rail Station
2.75 km
Inverkeithing Rail Station
4.94 km
Dalgety Bay Rail Station
Dalgety Bay
5.93 km
Airport Location Distance
Edinburgh Airport
Edinburgh Airport
14.24 km
Port Location Distance
Rosyth Ferry Terminal
Selkirk Road, Rosyth
4.78 km
Town Pier
North Queensferry
7.36 km

Companies Near
KY11 3AF

Dunfermline Tennis & Bridge Club, Dunfermline, Scotland KY11 3AF

Bothwell Street, Fife, Scotland KY11 3AF

47 47 Woodmill Street, Dunfermline, Scotland KY11 4JN

Top Influential People Who Lives In / Near KY11 3AF


FLEMING, Helen Director

33, Whirlbut Street, Dunfermline, Fife, United Kingdom KY11 3AA


WARD, Barry Director

33, Whirlbut Street, Dunfermline, Fife, United Kingdom KY11 3AA


FRASER, Emma Elizabeth Engineer

46, Whirlbut Street, Dunfermline, Scotland KY11 3AA

Crime Statistics Of KY11 3AF

Crimes Reported Near KY11 3AF (FY 2022/2023)

The below table is a snapshot of crimes reported near the KY11 3AF Postcode up to Mar 2023.

Crime Category Number of Crimes
Attempted Murder 2
Serious Assault (incl. culpable & reckless conduct - causing injury) 13
Robbery and assault with intent to rob 4
Threats and extortion 9
Cruel & Unnatural treatment of children 3
Other Group 1 crimes 1
Domestic Abuse (of female) 8
Group 2 - Sexual Crimes 108
Housebreaking (incl. attempts) - dwelling house 10
Housebreaking (incl. attempts) - non-dwelling 12
Housebreaking (incl. attempts) - other premises 7
Opening Lockfast Places - NOT Motor Vehicle 6
Opening Lockfast Places - Motor Vehicle 10
Other Group 3 crimes 15
Common theft 140
Theft of a motor vehicle 12
Theft by shoplifting 246
Theft from a Motor Vehicle, Insecure etc 24
Attempt theft of motor vehicle 2
Fraud 93
Fireraising 10
Reckless conduct (with firearms) 1
Culpable & reckless conduct (not firearms) 17
Vandalism (incl. reckless damage, etc.) 166
Other Group 5 crimes 35
Bail offences (other than absconding) 48
Carrying offensive weapons (incl. restriction)* 3
Handling bladed/pointed instrument* 6
Offensive weapon (used in other criminal activity)* 4
Bladed/pointed instrument (used in other criminal activity) 10
Production, manufacture or cultivation of drugs 2
Supply of drugs (incl. possession with intent) 14
Possession of drugs 34
Report A Crime To Scotland Police

All Properties in KY11 3AF

View list of all properties in KY11 3AF postcode below. Click on the View All Sales Price link to get insights on the sales price of the property. Navigate by clicking on the property links and access detailed information on each property.

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KY11 4TF 115.43
KY11 3AG 116.47
KY11 4TD 123.13
KY11 4TE 138.41
KY11 3AD 145.38 © 2023. All rights reserved.